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At Guilsborough Academy Sixth Form we believe in the holistic development of our students. We provide a large range of opportunities to build on skills and knowledge outside of the classroom.

Our aims for our Super Curriculum 

Super-Curricular activities are those that take students beyond the A Level curriculum in the subject they are planning to study, beyond what school subject teachers are teaching, demonstrating a passion for their chosen subject. When applying to post-18 opportunities, admissions tutors will want to see students’ passion for their subjects. They do this by looking at students’ super-curricular activities.

The range of super-curricular activities is huge; some cost but many are free and, with the internet, students have plenty of opportunity to go that extra mile and show their passion for the subject they are planning to study at university.


Through collaboration with Unifrog, we encourage students to keep a record of their activities and think about the impact of them on their existing knowledge of the subject, how it has developed their thinking, and any skills developed.

Above all, super-curricular activity has to be thought of as building a case to support the student’s future applications.

What we offer as part of our Super Curriculum


Our enrichment programme is diverse. We expect all Y12 students to get involved in at least one enrichment opportunity and hope to expand our offer over the coming year. Our students have previously been able to participate in one or more of the following:

  • Core Maths
  • EPQ
  • Duke of Edinburgh's Award 
  • Young Enterprise Company Programme
  • Pastoral, SEND and subject specific mentoring
  • A range of student-led committees
  • ‘Arrows’ group to support ambitious applications

Watch our video here to find out more about the enrichment opportunities which are available to our sixth form students

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Educational Visits

Wherever possible we offer our students opportunities for learning outside the classroom, whether this be on a field trip or through visiting speakers and experts. In addition, we ensure each cohort of students has the opportunity to attend at least one national university and apprenticeships fair.

Click below to see our photo galleries of our students engaging in a range of the activities we offer;

Work Experience 

All students will complete a week-long work experience placement, usually at the end of Year 12.  Students will be required to research and secure their own placements (taking into account their interests and possible career paths) and to provide details of these to Miss Hunt; this is so appropriate Health and Safety checks can be carried out and placements secured.  As set dates are provided for work experience, any placements that occur at other times during the school year are unlikely to be an authorised absence.

You can find out more about our whole school careers programme here.

Celebrations and Wellbeing

Our Sixth Form students also enjoy a wide variety of celebrations throughout the year including the annual Sixth Form Ball, Christmas Jumper Day and visits to Hunstanton, Go Ape or Alton Towers.

Accessing super-curricular texts

Our Supercurricular study room, S5, hosts a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts to help students get started on their wider exploration. There are also loads of resources and suggestions available via the 'Read, Watch, Listen' tool on Unifrog. Additionally, subject staff have produced the below lists of suggested reading: