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How to apply to Sixth Form

Applications for September 2025 are now open and will remain so until 30/09/25

Please complete the online application form:

Options: Advice for Students

The decision regarding where and what you study Post 16 is an important one, and you will need to ensure that all options are considered carefully so that you can make an informed decision.

 In making your decision you should consider a range of factors:

  • Interest in the subject. Remember that even if you have studied a subject at GCSE, A Level courses in some subjects are very different from their GCSE counterparts.  Some A Level subjects are not options at GCSE, and so you should find out what they involve.
  • Consider the grades that your subject teachers have predicted you (each subject has different entry criteria). Reflect on whether you are choosing the options that you are likely to succeed in.
  • Make careful assessment of your aspirations, personal strengths, and other skills and interests that you have. Ask yourself whether you have the ‘soft skills’ required for each course.  
  • If you already have a career path/higher education course in mind, ensure you are choosing the right subjects that will leave this door open for you.

Your 3 subject choices must also work within our Timetable Blocks. You can only study one subject in each block. This year's blocks can be seen here:


You can get support and guidance with this decision from the following places:

  • Your parents
  • Your tutor
  • Your subject teachers
  • The Sixth Form team
  • School Careers Advisor (Careers Hub - A1)

Take all the advice you can, but ultimately it needs to be your decision!

Useful documents for applying to sixth form

Entry Requirements

Please click on the link below to view our entry requirements for each of the courses we offer. 


Contact Us

Please get in touch with any queries which haven't been answered. 


Admissions Policy

If you would like to find out further information regarding our admissions, please view our sixth form admissions policy here.