Bag2School Fundraising
We are pleased to announce that Guilsborough Academy PTA have organised a collection with Bag2School to raise funds for the Academy.
Bag2School is a free eco-friendly fundraising scheme that helps schools, businesses, community groups, local councils, and charities raise funds through textile recycling and spreading textile recycling awareness. It has been helping schools for over 20 years and in the process paid out over £48 million to PTAs, Friends of School Groups and many other organisations, as well as helping the environment by diverting unwanted textiles away from landfill.
By getting involved in our Bag2School collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles – this can include adults’ and childrens’ clothes, paired shoes (tied together), hats, belts, handbags, bras, jewellery and soft toys etc. (Please note: no uniforms, workwear, pillows, duvets or pieces of fabric. Please refer to for full details of what we need to collect).
In addition to raising much needed funds which will be used to benefit educational resources for students, it will also raise awareness amongst the students of the benefits of recycling and reuse. When all items have been removed from the collection bags, the plastic will be packed and sent for recycling.
Collection bags will be handed out to all Year 7 students during form tutor time on Monday 11th/Tuesday 12th December. We have requested more bags from Bag2School so that we have additional collection bags at reception, however, there is no limitation to the number of bags filled and you can also use your own bin bags, so don’t forget to ask extended family members, friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!
Please bring your filled bag (or bags!) to Reception by 15.30pm on Wednesday 17th January and help us have a really good collection.