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Student Leadership


Student Leadership

Students have a variety of opportunities to develop their leadership skills across the school and to be involved in making decisions that affect the whole of the school. 

Ambassadors have received the Anti-bullying Ambassador badge from The Diana Award to recognise they have a committed team of students who have been trained by The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Team.

How do we listen to Student voice at Guilsborough Academy?

This year we have introduced a new student ‘Parliament’ that allows the students to have a voice. Each form group will have two representatives for their class, this will be across all years in Key stage 3 and 4. The 6th form student leadership council will also play a part in attending the termly parliament meetings. This process shadows the UN parliament style and will have a clear focus/topic each term for the council to discuss aspects of the academy eg. Uniform, the canteen, enrichment opportunities and promoting a safe and positive culture around the site. It is crucial that the students have a voice and a say in their school experience, feel supported and listened to, and are able to share their thoughts and opinions.

Please refer to the Student Parliament Handbook which can be downloaded below.

We also have a confidential email system that students can email at any time of the day eg. At home, on the bus, outside of school hours. This allows for them to feel reassured that they can report or raise any concerns in a safe and supportive manner.


How does Guilsborough Academy encourage leadership skills?

Guilsborough Academy encourages leadership in lots of ways. Student Leadership is embedded within their learning and tutor time. In addition, there are numerous opportunities to become leaders within subject areas, supporting the SEND and Pastoral departments as mentors; volunteering in the library, Performing Arts & within the PE department. Leadership skills are also explicitly developed with those students who apply to be part of their Year Group Councils and the Student School Development Team.