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In-Catchment Transport

All students in Years 7 to 11 who live in the Guilsborough School designated catchment area and are more than 2.5 miles from the school, qualify for a free bus pass provided by the Local Education Authority. Passes are issued to new students and are re-issued to existing students at the start of every academic year. In the event of a bus pass being lost, please apply for a replacement pass here. Payment can be made by posting a cheque made payable to NCC for £25 or payment can be made over the phone to NCC by debit or credit card.

Link to Bus Schedules


WNC Transport Consultation Letter

Update on WNC Transport Consultation

Code of Conduct

Students are expected to maintain high levels of behaviour and demonstrate the school’s values when travelling on public and school buses. The Northamptonshire County Council Code of Conduct which all students are expected to comply with whilst travelling on public service or school transport is found here.

Sixth Form

Sixth Formers can apply for a sixth form bus pass by completing the appropriate application form available from the West Northamptonshire council website - here. However, this must be completed by April preceding the student entering the sixth form in September. A place cannot be guaranteed as it depends on the overall capacity of the buses and the number of students in years 7 to 11 already needing a place on the particular bus route. The cost for a sixth form bus pass is £1000 for the academic year.

Contacts for school transport

For further information about any transport issues please see the Northamptonshire County Council website here.

Alternatively a member of staff in student services at school will be able to assist you.

Out of Catchment Transport

Parents are reminded that if they live outside the normal school catchment area, they are responsible for transport for their children and whilst the school endeavours to assist in this area, it is under no obligation to do so and cannot guarantee that current additional bus services will continue in future years.

Brixworth and Kingsthorpe (Welford Road Only) and Daventry

The Brixworth, Kingsthorpe and Daventry areas fall outside the contracted bus routes managed by the County Council and therefore parents of out of catchment students remain responsible for arranging transport for their children. However, please be assured that we do try to offer support with this.

Hamiltons have provided a coach which covers the Brixworth, Kingsthorpe and Daventry routes. Pick up times are set out on this link. The coach picks up at Brixworth first in the morning and comes into Kingsthorpe on the A508 Harborough Road, then turns and picks up on the Welford Road and goes along the A5199 to Guilsborough, also picking up in Chapel Brampton. Please note, this bus does not start from Northampton Bus Station, nor takes students further than the Welford Road in Kingsthorpe in the afternoon. In the afternoon the coach will do the reverse journey, coming into Kingsthorpe on the A5199 then going out to Brixworth on the A508. Hamiltons will stop at the normal bus stops where required. The Daventry coach picks up from Middlemore, Drayton Fields, Drayton, Ashby Fields, Lang Farm and Welton. Further information is available from Hamiltons on 01536 772268 or at

In order for the route to be viable for the bus contractor, the cost for these services is £4 per day return, £3 per day single for Brixworth and Kingsthorpe, and for Daventry the cost is £4.50 per day return or £3.50 per day single.

All students are expected to adhere to the Northamptonshire County Council Code of Conduct. In the event of any unacceptable behaviour on the coach, the driver will report this to the coach operator and the school and steps will be taken to deal with the matter which may involve banning the relevant student from travelling on the coach.   


Public Service Bus - Northampton Bus Station / Kingsthorpe / Guilsborough

Stagecoach public service route from Northampton Bus Station via Kingsthorpe to Guilsborough.

The times of the service will remain, starting and ending at Northampton Bus Station.

Stagecoach can be contacted on 0345 241 8000. 







Northampton Bus Station


Depart Guilsborough School


Kingsthorpe Shopping Centre


Chapel Brampton


Chapel Brampton,opp Cedar Hythe


Kingsthorpe Shopping Centre


Spratton, Welford Road


Northampton Bus Station


Creaton, Welford Road



Guilsborough School



Non-Entitled Students Travel Scheme

A concessionary bus pass is one which is allocated by the County Council to a student who lives outside the catchment area for a place on a bus which picks up from within the catchment area. This is only issued if there is spare capacity on the appropriate bus and now costs £600 per year. Bus numbers are not finalised for a couple of weeks into the autumn term as sixth formers are entitled to places before out of catchment students. If parents wish to apply for a concessionary bus pass please see the County Council website here.