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It is now a statutory requirement to teach the majority of PSHE education. This statutory content – often summarised as RSHE – covers Relationships Education at key stages 1 and 2, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at key stages 3 and 4, and Health Education from key stage 1 to 4. Our Programme of Study for PSHE education supports you to integrate and sequence RSHE effectively, by key stage, into your broader PSHE programmes.

The Department for Education's statutory Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education guidance sets out in detail what schools must cover. Our Programme of Study supports you to provide a comprehensive programme that integrates, but is not limited to, this statutory content.

Statutory content is covered by learning opportunities for each key stage across the Programme’s three core themes: ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’, and ‘Living in the Wider World’.