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Everybody uses mathematics everyday, and at Guilsborough Academy we prepare our students to have the mathematical skills they need to be successful in the next stage of their life and beyond 

Our Curriculum

Our Mathematics curriculum is like building a house; we build a strong mathematical foundation and then build upon this with more complex topics requiring, and embedding, the skills and knowledge from the previously taught concepts.



Our Mathematics curriculum journey shows how we develop the skills of our students and the topics the students cover in each year. Click on our learning journey below to view it in more detail.

“The definition of a good mathematical problem is the mathematics it generates rather than the problem itself”.  – Andrew Wiles 

The Framework of our intent 

The aims of the Mathematics curriculum is for students to develop a love of learning for maths as well as cultivate their skills for future studies, employability and everyday life.  

How will we reach these aims? 

We do this by quality first teaching which ensures students understand the mathematical vocabulary and notation used to form and solve problems. This supports all students to understand and describe the mathematical concepts they learn. Students also receive regular feedback on their work to support and challenge them in improving their understanding.

To ensure that students feel confident with the content of the curriculum we embed previously taught topics as well as extending their knowledge across number, algebra, statistics and probability, shape and ratio and proportion. In Mathematics we want students to explore their skills across a multitude of topics and interleave areas of maths frequently. Teachers and students will often use visual aids to help students understand the processes involved or the modelling needed to solve a problem.

Through a variety of planned activities, students will build their confidence and resilience in problem solving, and gain independence with applying their knowledge to unseen problems. By promoting problem solving all students are challenged to strengthen and apply their knowledge as well as build abstract thinking. This is particularly important when testing both numerical and algebraic conjectures.

To support their understanding of maths in wider contexts we incorporate other subject knowledge into our teaching when appropriate. We also study money and finance to develop the skills they need beyond school. We also have employers talk with and set mathematical activities for our students to help them recognise the skills they need for their future pathways. At KS5 we also offer Core Maths to develop their financial and statistical analysis further which they may need in other A level subjects and beyond.

Guilsborough Academy Values

How we embed this 


Teachers create a learning environment based on trust, tolerance and honesty. Students respect the opinions and thoughts of their peers.


Where possible, we link skills and topics to other subjects and jobs. Visitors will speak with the students about maths in their profession.

KS5 students have access to supercurricular ideas to develop their own personal interests in the subject.


We encourage risk and learning from failure by building in problem solving to develop student independence. Students are given frequent feedback about their progress and how to strengthen their knowledge and application of maths.


All students are invited into discussions and be active in participating in the lesson. Visual aids help build abstract ideas for all students.

What is Mathematics like at Guilsborough?

Please watch our short video to see what studying Mathematics at Guilsborough is like.

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Maths is fun and exciting. I really enjoy learning new maths like algebra and the different ways we are taught these.

James, Year 7 Student 

Every lesson I am challenged and I really like solving problems.

Emily, Year 9 Student

Studying maths at A level is really rewarding. The teachers really help me and I know it is going to be useful for my studies at university.

Alex, Year 13 Student

Where will Mathematics take me past Year 11?


You will use mathematics in all aspects of your life. Some of you may wish to study mathematics further in our sixth form by choosing to study one of the following courses;

A level Mathematics 

A level Further Mathematics

Core Maths

Please click on the different courses to explore studying these subjects at Guilsborough Sixth Form.

Mathematics is also used in many other subjects studied at sixth form and in degrees such at Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Psychology and Economics. If you would like to continue to study Mathematics but not as an A level, then you may like to consider studying Core Maths. It is a qualification which is recognised by universities and helps you to develop your mathematical skills required in your other A level subjects or further qualifications such as degrees


When you enter the world of work, whether after Year 11, sixth form or university, you will find that Mathematics is used in many careers such as;

  • Engineering
  • Accountancy and banking
  • Hairdressing and beauty

Some of our past students who have studied Mathematics at A level now have careers in;

  • Engineering with companies such as Dyson, Land Rover Jaguar

Please visit out Careers Guidance page for more information 

Useful resources to support learning in Mathematics

These resources are useful for students to help consolidate knowledge learnt in lessons and to aid revision ;


MathsWatch videos provide a detailed explanation of each topic. Worksheets to accompany each video are on the MathsWatch website. Students have been given their individual logins for MathsWatch.

Explore MathsWatch by clicking here


MyMaths is an online resource with lessons and assessments. Students have been given their personal login and password, both usually three characters in length.


Corbettmaths is a website which contains worksheets, practise exam questions and videos for each part of the GCSE Maths specificationThe website does not require any usernames. It also contains 5-a-day worksheets which we use in lessons to help students to remember and apply previously taught concepts

Explore CorbettMaths by clicking here

Maths VLE

The Maths VLE provides each class with a personalised set of support resources which follows the work covered in class. We encourage students to use these resources to consolidate the work they complete in lessons and to aid their revision for assessments and tests

Explore The Maths VLE by clicking here