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At Guilsborough Academy we believe in achievement, ambition and progress for all children, which is driven through our values of Respect, Aspiration, Responsibility and Equality.

The Admission Policy for the school is fully inclusive. The aims of the Learning Support Department are guided by the SEND Code of Practice and you can download the academy's SEND Information report below. The academy offers equality of opportunity and access to the curriculum for all students regardless of ability or special educational need. Provision is made for SEND students through the effective use of available resources and by differentiation of elements of the curriculum.

Our SEND Ethos

We provide a structured, stimulating environment in which all children are valued, included, and supported to reach their full potential. ​
Every child is unique, and all children develop at a different pace. We place each child at the centre of their learning and ensure that students of all abilities and needs are fully included in the life of the school. ​
We recognise that all students and their families have the right to be involved in making decisions and exercising choice.​

At Guilsborough Academy, children are identified as having SEND through a variety of ways including:

  • Liaison with your child’s previous school. At the beginning of Year 7 students are placed on the SEND register based on information from Primary Schools
  • Concerns raised by parent/carers
  • Concerns raised by your child’s class teacher or school SENDCo
  • Concerns raised due to behavioural difficulties or poor self-esteem which is affecting performance
  • Liaison with external professionals (e.g. speech and language therapist)
  • A medical diagnosis